Congress Defers FY25 Language Education Funding Decisions

In late September, Congress completed work on a continuing resolution (CR), a temporary spending measure that will keep the government operating through December 20....

Literacy Policy

Michigan Implements New Literacy/Dyslexia Bills Two new...

Bilingualism Makes the Brain More Efficient

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to build connections within itself, adapting to the surrounding environment. The brain is most plastic in childhood, forming new...

International Education Week is Nov. 18-22

International Education Week (IEW), a joint initiative between the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, is November 18-22, 2024. According...

Canada Freezes NWT Language Allocation

The federal funding allocation for Indigenous language programs in the Northwest Territories (NWT) has stalled at CAN$5.9 million per year for the next three...

New Federal Funds for Native Languages

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced over $7 million in new...

New Ojibwe Immersion Program

This fall, Wisconsin’s Bayfield School District is launching an Ojibwemowin immersion program for kindergarten students in collaboration with the Red Cliff Band of Lake...

WKU Renews Chinese Flagship Program

Western Kentucky University’s (WKU’s) Department of Modern Languages’ Chinese Flagship Program has renewed its four-year $1.5 million grant with The Language Flagship, an initiative...

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There is a growing proportion of transgender and nonbinary people worldwide, and the practice of addressing this group by they/them pronouns and using their as a singular possessive pronoun is becoming increasingly commonplace in today’s society. As a Spanish college professor, I am fielding more and more questions from students about the preferences used in the Spanish language when referring...

Canada Freezes NWT Language Allocation

The federal funding allocation for Indigenous language programs in the Northwest Territories (NWT) has stalled at CAN$5.9 million per year for the next three...

New Federal Funds for Native Languages

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced over $7 million in new...

New Ojibwe Immersion Program

This fall, Wisconsin’s Bayfield School District is launching an Ojibwemowin immersion program for kindergarten students in collaboration with the Red Cliff Band of Lake...

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168极速赛车开奖官网记录查询-历史数据实时结果 Literacy / ESL

New Resources

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一分钟赛车历史结果查询官网|168极速赛车开奖记录查询结果 Leadership: Pivoting to Progress

Teachers are often drawn to education in hopes of exercising their creative freedom to make...

Mainstreaming Multilingualism

As ever, an influx of diverse learners is entering the K–12...

Make a Plan for Oracy

Schools are placing a greater emphasis on foundational skills than ever before, and rightly so....

Implementing a Bilingual Authorization Program

In Fall 2022, Whittier College’s Teacher Education program launched their online...

To Support the Science of Reading, Replace Disinformation with Collaboration

My first teaching job after earning a Master of Arts in teaching was at a...

Students at the Center

All educators are teachers of language—and engaging students in thinking about...

Acting UP

When I signed up for an improv theater class, I never thought to combine my...

Scaffolding Success

One of the tools teachers of multilingual learners have at their disposal to move learning...

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SOR - Science of Reading

168开奖官方开奖网站查询 极速赛车168官方记录查询结果-极速赛车开奖记录历史 The Art of Writing?

It’s been a rough few years for elementary teaching and learning. Concerns remain about the progress (or lack thereof) that US students are making in literacy, and there’s no one cause hindering this progress. Many factors have contributed to lower test scores, from the amount of money individual districts...

Say What?

When we read, we are reading language. Thus, a strong foundation in oral language is essential to reading comprehension. The research base we refer to as the science of reading includes copious studies by researchers such as Andrew Biemiller,...

Bridging WIDA and the Science of Reading in ESOL Programs

Click here to read WIDA's response to this article To download the full white paper, visit A district reading specialist was responsible for implementing changes mandated by the Georgia Department of Education concerning structured literacy training and dyslexia screening procedures....

Bilingualism under threat: structured literacy will make it harder for children to hold on to their mother tongue

International Viewpoint: NEW ZEALAND From the beginning of the 2025 school year, all schools will be required to use structured literacy – also known as “phonics” or the “science of reading” – to teach children how to read. But the...

Beyond the Myths of Literacy Curricula

When I set foot in my first kindergarten classroom more than 15 years ago, I quickly realized how many...

Reading Legislation Update

OHIO The Ohio House Higher Education Committee...

Science of Reading Bill Fails in California

California Assembly Bill 2222 (see April issue, p. 9: “California Bill Would Mandate Science of Reading”), which would have required teachers...

To Support the Science of Reading, Replace Disinformation with Collaboration

My first teaching job after earning a Master of Arts in teaching was at a private school in Austin, Texas, for students with...

California Bill Would Mandate Science of Reading

A newly introduced California Assembly bill would require the state’s teachers to be trained and reading to be taught only according to the principles of the Science of Reading. AB 2222, introduced by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio, a Democrat from...


Mainstreaming Multilingualism

As ever, an influx of diverse learners is entering the K–12 system, and the urgency of strengthening equity in...
Language Magazine
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